Constantine Mills
When you go to an event, not every movement has a memory, unless it's captured, unless it's photographed. When I’m covering an event, I’m there, but I wouldn’t say I’m a part of it, I’m not there to be anything more than a ghost. I’m not the one who's there to be seen. I’m there to observe it from the other side of my lens. Capturing those fleeting moments that disappear as quickly as they happen. What’s going on around me becomes the environment and I’m shooting what I see. It almost becomes a form of street photography where I try to get more candid moments than just photos of the event itself. By mixing the two, what I do may fit better as documentary photography but by simply asking someone to take their photo I incorporate portraiture. By combining everything together I’m able to make it feel more personal not just to the individuals there but to those hosting the event.