The Million

There were many prophecies and signs that foretold how the end of the world, as we knew it in 2022, would unfold.  Warnings were there for eyes to see, and the prediction was made for those with the ears to listen.  Now, it is over. No more wondering how and when it ends. Now it is whether what remains of humanity, those of us left behind, will come together to ignite the plan God now has for us. We are called the Witnesses and have been called upon to start a new world.

Since man could put words on paper God’s great works have been handed down and future events prophesied. What we know about God came from spiritual beings who presented themselves to chosen people called Witnesses all over the world. The Witnesses, all of whom were saved from all catastrophes, are men, and women with snow-white hair, and are clothed in fine linen. Each Witness was born with a mark on their left hand, at the base of the middle finger, of two interlocking rings. The circles represent eternity, no beginning, and no end. The hole in the center of the rings is “a gateway, or door, leading to things and events both known and unknown” (City). In their right hand, they carry a long wooden staff that branches out at the top. This symbol of a tree represents spiritual nourishment. When you speak to a Witness you feel the essence of their spirit and the ease that you would feel if truly in the presence of God Himself.

There are hundreds of transcripts written by the Witnesses describing how the earth was created, how mankind was given free will to follow or not follow the teaching of God, how mankind’s transgressions would turn the world into a place of violence, and war, time and time again. One such transcript is entitled B.I.B.L.E or Basic Instructions Before Life Ends. It tells of an apocalypse that will eventually come to the people of earth. It is written that there will be devastating natural disasters all over the globe with countless deaths. This happened over the last 20 years with floods, extreme temperatures, storms, earthquakes, landslides, droughts, volcanic activity, and wildfires that killed billions of people, leaving the earth mostly in ruins. Most governments collapsed, no police or military, no hospitals, no help of any kind. Chaos and confusion ruled. The days leading up to the end brought out the very worse of mankind. Interesting that it is this very reason the end came. Most people lost all compassion, sympathy, and empathy. People were only out for themselves and followed no rules of God or man. People lived for themselves and what they could get even if it meant hurting and stepping on others to get it.

The final annihilation came in such a predictable way. Our planet has known nothing but war since the beginning of time so the end coming by nuclear weapons should have been a given. There has always been someone ready to press the “red” button for their own ego’s sake. In March of 2021, Russia had a president who was sick with power and cared nothing for human life. He invaded another country and threatened all other countries to stay out of it or he would retaliate.

Negotiations just spiraled out of control and Russia sent bombs into the United States which forced the United States to send bombs into Russia. Other than the Witnesses and their followers, who were protected by God, all mankind was lost. There will now be a nuclear winter for years to come and the earth is covered with soot that will stay here for a decade. The earth’s temperature is dropping and there is no light. However, there were large, protected areas in all countries created by God for the chosen survivors to live. There are about 5,200 people in each of the 195 countries that existed at the end left to populate the earth and start over. With God’s love and guidance, maybe these One Million can do the work that 7.8 billion people could not.

On the fifth day after the end, God appeared to all who are left. His voice could be heard by all in whatever language they spoke. We could hear Him and then suddenly see Him in our minds. It was almost too difficult to look upon Him for His beauty was beyond imagination. He came to us in a robe of gold fabric with a belt tied loosely at His waist made of shining stones in all colors. He wore a crown of light that made His black hair glisten like black diamonds. His eyes showed both happiness and sadness at the same time and one couldn’t help but fall to their knees in respect and love. His words were soft and direct in His instructions for how we must live our lives going forward and how we must treat all mankind if a world of love and peace were to exist. He told us he would leave us with free will as that will be the test to see if a peaceful existence was possible for humans.

Survivors are left with feelings of overwhelming gratitude and fear of the future. We have to believe that God would not have allowed Armageddon to happen if He didn’t have a wonderful plan for us. The One Million are ready.

Word Cited